
Consumer Duty Fair Value Statements

Our approach to meeting the Products & Services Outcome and Price & Value OutcomeInformation for distributors of the product 


  • The documents are being provided to you to fulfil our responsibilities under PRIN 2A.4.15R and PRIN 2A.3.12 R (2).
  • They are designed to support you to comply with your responsibilities under PRIN 2A.3.16 R and PRIN 2A.4.16 R.


Please note that you are ultimately responsible for meeting your obligations under the ‘Consumer Duty’ rules.

Residential Fair Value Statements





Standard Variable Rate (SVR)


Header text

Intro text for card catergory.

Buy to Let

While Buy to Let lending is outside the scope of 'Consumer Duty' rules, we have taken the voluntary decision to apply the same PRIN principles to our Buy to Let lending.


Please note that you are ultimately responsible for meeting your obligations under the ‘Consumer Duty’ rules.

Buy to Let Fair Value Statement

Illustration of lady organising papers
This information is intended for intermediary use only and should not be provided to customers.
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